Amidst general morning conversation, Big Brother called Mzamo to the Diary Room and gave him the Head of House (HoH) Task for this morning. He instructed the Housemates to remain in the bedroom upstairs, until told otherwise.
In his note to the Housemates, Big Brother told them that they will find twelve chairs in the lounge and a game of musical chairs would be the first mechanism used to select the first HoH of the Season. The twelve chairs will have a card attached and the Housemate who sits on the chair with the card that reads “Head of House” will be HoH for the week. Biggie also added that the remaining eleven cards would have various character traits written on them, and the Housemates are to hold onto those for the week. At Task Presentation, they will then hand their character cards to a Housemate that they feel is best suited to the character on the card.
The Housemates sat in the bedroom speculating how the Task could be related to the other twists in the Big Brother House.
Which Housemate’s musical ability will meet Lady Luck today? We’ll have to wait and see.
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