How well would you spend the ‘I ma’ if you won
it? Well, it would be your money and so
spending it would definitely depend on you.
However, we’ve decided to ‘guess’ how our six
finalists would spend the money in case they
won it, take a look…
Iris; she would most probably get herself a
‘volume button’. She loves to speak loudly
especially when she’s excited and we think at
times, she goes over-board. Iris also likes the
good life and would maybe take a vacation
somewhere nice and chill.
Kat; she has confessed to missing ‘something’
real bad and we can’t blame her, she’s been
confined in Biggie’s house for two months
without anytime to herself. Kat would probably
take a trip to Thailand or Holland for some wild
time after all what happens in Holland stays in
Loko; she loves her drink and we think having
all the liquor in all types at her disposal would
make her day. She loves making merry and you
and I can’t separate her from what she loves
the most, go girl, it’s your life and money, as
long as it’s enjoyed responsibly.
Sol of the house; the man loves his food. He
would probably purchase a kitchen somewhere
so that his food is always ready when he needs
it. Also, since he’s a DJ, we think he would also
purchase a few equipment to help him in his
professional work.
Mandla; aww, we’ve seen a Mandla without any
clothes on for the whole season (or are we so
forgetful?) All he puts on are his pants but
we’ve had to put up with his bare upper body
all through. He would probably but some clothes
for himself, especially shirts. Hey, no hard
feelings, that’s just our humble opinion.
MK; this gentle soul loves to read something and
seems to know it all, he would maybe buy a big
dictionary to help him add to his vast knowledge
about various things that he already know.
Taking a trip to Canada to meet with his buddy
Emmett wouldn’t be a bad idea either, would it?
Well, that’s what we think! Help the finalists
spend their imaginary 1 million.
Posted via Blogaway
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