Thursday, 3 April 2014

Which housemate might crack the biggest Secret?

With the Endurance week in motion, fatigue has
become the order of the day. What’s interesting
though is that none of the Finalists have
guessed that this just may be their Final week in
the game.
Even though Sol was quite close when he
suggested that perhaps the reason Lola was still
in Joburg was because the Finale would be next
week. Wrong Sol!
It would certainly be fun to start stalking the
Housemates and see if anyone else will mention
this fact before the Finale.
Often times people talk of having a sixth sense
and we have seen this in display during
Nominations in the House. We’ve seen Swapped
Housemates just having that funny feeling that
they were up, or even going home for that
matter and they actually were or did.
So, right now when it matters the most, none of
the Finalists has stirred the mood in the House
and brought up this subject.
One would have thought that Biggie telling them
that they were all up for possible Eviction till the
end of the Season would strike a chord. Perhaps
the Finalists are too exhausted to think beyond
what they are facing right now – keeping Biggie’s
fire burning!
However, it wasn’t long before Biggie threw in
another Statue session. This time, it was
Mandla’s friend who made an appearance in the
Mandla couldn’t contain himself and mumbled
responses to his friend. “Give me a kiss,”
Mandla begged. His friend obliged and smacked
Mandla’s tummy. So sweet!
Having Mandla’s friend in the House could have
derailed the Housemates even more. Why would
Biggie bring him if the Finale was this Sunday
anyway? Mhmm!
The theories seem to be getting even intense. All
we’re waiting for is one of them to stand by
their word that the Finale is this Sunday!
Who is more likely to crack the biggest Secret of
the Season?


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