With only 19 days left in the House paired with all the twists and turns that Biggie keeps on implementing, it is no surprise that one of the main topics spoken about in today’s Diary session was ‘who do you think will be going home this Sunday?’.
The sessions started out with Kat who was obviously ecstatic that Loko won HoH and she thinks that it will be Thando that goes home this Sunday.
Miss model Iris was next in line and her opinion is that Thando will leave as well. She said this because of the fact that Thando has been repeatedly mentioning to Iris that she feels it will be her that will be going home.
Mzamo had the same answer as the rest because he feels that if he was not able to save her (which he is not) that she will be the one to go home.
MK did not divulge who he thinks will be leaving but he is confident that he will definitely be staying.
Up next was the suspecting Evictee, Thando who fully agreed with everyone’s speculation, saying that she feels she will be the one going home on Sunday. She also mentioned Kat and Mzamo in her list of people that could go home if it happens that more than one person is going to leave.
Mandla said that he thinks Thando will go home because if he was a viewer then he would personally find Thando the least entertaining. You know what they say, honesty is the best policy.
Sol obviously feels it will also be Thando but when asked what he would do if this is his last weekend in the House, he said he would ‘go out with a bang.’
Newly elected Head of House Loko, having done it for the ladies, was over the moon about the achievement. She was also, however, starting to feel the pressure early on with the infamous Save and Replace looming should she make it into next week. After clearing the air with Lexi she confessed to feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders.
While he thought Lexi to be the most capable of Housemates, Poolie couldn’t predict who might leave this Sunday. All he knew for sure was that he was going to make it through the dreaded Eviction. Well, well Poolie, confident much?
It remains to be seen who might leave on Sunday but there was one thing for sure, the fear of the unknown was wreaking havoc in everyone’s mind.
Kat, Mzamo, Mandla, Poolie, MK, Loko, Lexi, Sol, Thando and Iris are up for possible Eviction this Sunday. Vote via USSD by dialing *120*33033# or Vote online to keep your favourite Housemate in the game.
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