This evening Biggie had a very special Task for the Housemates, an ongoing exercise with the aim of teaching the Housemates how to look after a baby and just how much time and attention they demand.
Housemates found that Big Brother had laid out a nursery adjacent to the dining room and in the nursery room were four babies (dolls) in prams.
Housemates are to look after their babies, take them for regular walks, console them when they cry, change their diapers when they need changing and keep them occupied.
Housemates decided to split into couples of parents which were made up of Sol and Kat, Poolie and Loko, MK and Iris. Thando volunteered to be a nanny, Mandla and Lexi opted to be aunt and uncle to Kat's, Sol's, Poolie's and Loko's babies. How perfect!
Biggie is taking this very seriously, Housemates have to nurture the little ones, make sure they are comfortable and they may only be returned to the nursery during nap and play times.
Kat took to motherhood luck a duck to water as she held her baby for the first time, Mzamo on the flipside was highly unimpressed, this Task was not his vibe at all. This parenthood experience will be interesting for him.
Watch this space folks, who do you think super mom and dad will be?
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