Sunday, 2 February 2014

Sol, Lola & Thando’s Secret Tasks

It’s getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes, so goes the lyrics of a 2003 classic.
That’s exactly how the audience felt when four Chippendales showed up on stage to woo Thando and hand her her Secret Task brief.

Thando was all smiles and didn’t know where to look as beefcakes flexed left, right and centre. Thando’s Mission is to secretly collect a piece of clothing from each Housemate and wear it without them noticing what she’s up to. “By tomorrow morning, I want you to present them to me during your Diary session,” Biggie’s brief read.

Thando’s mission came shortly after Sol and Lola were Tasked to be on the lookout for the diary room door LED lights. Whenever these lights start flashing, the two are to immediately start dancing.
Now that we’ve met all 12 Housemates, who is most likely to nail their Secret Missions?


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