Sunday, 1 June 2014
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Fights of the Hosue
What would Big Brother be without a bit of ruffling of feathers here and there?
The inaugural season of Big Brother Mzansi had its fair share of tiffs and like they always say; the Big Brother House is not for the faint at heart.
Now that the game is over and Mandla won the Million, it's clear that there's happiness all round. If this collage posted by Jase doesn't convince you, then nothing will.
How cute is that though?
Looking at that 'happy family' collage, one would swear that things have always been honky dory between the Housemates. Well, not in Biggie's House.
The most heartbreaking incident of the Season has to be Mbali's Disqualification from the game after his altercation with Iris and Jenayne in the Chamber. For someone who could have been easily upgraded to the main House the next day, Mbali must have kicked himself.
However, that was just the beginning of a spate of fights, altercations and back-stabbing. Hot lovers of the Season Mandla and Lexi, affectionately known as Mandlexi had a heated argument fueled by the Secrets game that the girls had to try and crack. Mandla felt that Lexi had only been close to him because she wanted to crack his Secret. It was bad!
If there would be a queen of hate, that would undoubtedly be the sexy Lexi. She hated everything about everyone and the venom she spit during her Diary sessions was unprintable. She and Iris didn't see eye to eye from the onset and they were constantly baying for each other's blood.
Then there was Sol and Thando. Boy did these two love to hate each other. If it wasn't Thando complaining about how uncouth Sol is, it was Sol blabbering about Thando being sly.
The most hilarious reaction of the Season would have to be Lola's to the toilet chocolate prank. If she had it her way, she would have butchered Jase and whoever else was involved in pulling off that prank. The guys had decided to melt chocolate and smudge it all over the toilet seat, sending Lola to a fit. However, it was Mzamo who felt her wrath as she reiterated by squeezing out as much lotion as she could, on his bed linen.
At this point there was a clear divide in the House. There were officially two camps and Nominations were getting interesting. Lola, Thando, Poolie and Jase were on one side and Kat, MK, Mandla, Sol and Iris on the other side. Mzamo and Loko were the roving extras.
Mandla and Jase faced off in a rather dramatic episode after Jase was caught out pinching Shap Shaps after one Task win. It was a classic case of two bulls as none of them wanted to back down and menacingly stared into the other's eyes as if to prove their bravery.
The bad blood in the House led to conspiracy and Biggie was ready with Strikes. Jase, Thando and Lola were handed their Strikes for plotting the nasty. Lexi was also served with a Strike after smashing a bottle during a confrontation with Lola. Biggie issued another Strike for bad behavior to the conspiring tribe; Thando, Kat, Mzamo, Loko and Iris and this set the trend for harmony in the House.
The Housemates started treading carefully as they could see that their days were numbered. Though there was so much tension in the House, most of the beef was squashed before the Housemates left the House. Even Iris and Lexi started 'sharing jokes'. Well, we not sure about Thando and Sol though maybe one of them needs to grow up.
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Finalists, Spend your R1 Million
How well would you spend the ‘I ma’ if you won
it? Well, it would be your money and so
spending it would definitely depend on you.
However, we’ve decided to ‘guess’ how our six
finalists would spend the money in case they
won it, take a look…
Iris; she would most probably get herself a
‘volume button’. She loves to speak loudly
especially when she’s excited and we think at
times, she goes over-board. Iris also likes the
good life and would maybe take a vacation
somewhere nice and chill.
Kat; she has confessed to missing ‘something’
real bad and we can’t blame her, she’s been
confined in Biggie’s house for two months
without anytime to herself. Kat would probably
take a trip to Thailand or Holland for some wild
time after all what happens in Holland stays in
Loko; she loves her drink and we think having
all the liquor in all types at her disposal would
make her day. She loves making merry and you
and I can’t separate her from what she loves
the most, go girl, it’s your life and money, as
long as it’s enjoyed responsibly.
Sol of the house; the man loves his food. He
would probably purchase a kitchen somewhere
so that his food is always ready when he needs
it. Also, since he’s a DJ, we think he would also
purchase a few equipment to help him in his
professional work.
Mandla; aww, we’ve seen a Mandla without any
clothes on for the whole season (or are we so
forgetful?) All he puts on are his pants but
we’ve had to put up with his bare upper body
all through. He would probably but some clothes
for himself, especially shirts. Hey, no hard
feelings, that’s just our humble opinion.
MK; this gentle soul loves to read something and
seems to know it all, he would maybe buy a big
dictionary to help him add to his vast knowledge
about various things that he already know.
Taking a trip to Canada to meet with his buddy
Emmett wouldn’t be a bad idea either, would it?
Well, that’s what we think! Help the finalists
spend their imaginary 1 million.
Posted via Blogaway
Which housemate might crack the biggest Secret?
With the Endurance week in motion, fatigue has
become the order of the day. What’s interesting
though is that none of the Finalists have
guessed that this just may be their Final week in
the game.
Even though Sol was quite close when he
suggested that perhaps the reason Lola was still
in Joburg was because the Finale would be next
week. Wrong Sol!
It would certainly be fun to start stalking the
Housemates and see if anyone else will mention
this fact before the Finale.
Often times people talk of having a sixth sense
and we have seen this in display during
Nominations in the House. We’ve seen Swapped
Housemates just having that funny feeling that
they were up, or even going home for that
matter and they actually were or did.
So, right now when it matters the most, none of
the Finalists has stirred the mood in the House
and brought up this subject.
One would have thought that Biggie telling them
that they were all up for possible Eviction till the
end of the Season would strike a chord. Perhaps
the Finalists are too exhausted to think beyond
what they are facing right now – keeping Biggie’s
fire burning!
However, it wasn’t long before Biggie threw in
another Statue session. This time, it was
Mandla’s friend who made an appearance in the
Mandla couldn’t contain himself and mumbled
responses to his friend. “Give me a kiss,”
Mandla begged. His friend obliged and smacked
Mandla’s tummy. So sweet!
Having Mandla’s friend in the House could have
derailed the Housemates even more. Why would
Biggie bring him if the Finale was this Sunday
anyway? Mhmm!
The theories seem to be getting even intense. All
we’re waiting for is one of them to stand by
their word that the Finale is this Sunday!
Who is more likely to crack the biggest Secret of
the Season?
Saturday, 29 March 2014
End Of Roads For Mandla And Lexi
The whirlwind romance between Mandla and Lexi that took us up in its gales looks like it has finally come to an abrupt end.
Lexi has never been one to keep her opinions to herself and has always expressed levels of sometimes brutal honesty, whether this is the ‘real’ her or just a ploy for attention is still a mystery but this time it landed her in hot water both literally and metaphorically.
Things got tropical rather early for this Housemates this Saturday, with a braai and no shortage of Shap Shap’s with landed up in Lexi stripping down and climbing into the steamy hot Jacuzzi.
An intense conversation followed between her and Mandla where vicious words were exchanged, even though Lexi usually gets away with verbal murder when it comes to her man, this time was different, he had finally had enough.
After a lot of verbal jousting Mandla finally said to her “You are here for the money, what else could you possibly be here for?” and when she sheepishly replied “I am here for the experience, maybe I will be in porn movies.”Strangely enough, that seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and in a moment of silence, Mandla just got up and walked away, leaving a brooding Lexi in the Jacuzzi, stewing in her own thoughts.
Lexi is definitely the type of character that likes to push boundaries but has she just gone too far this time? Has all the ranting about ‘you people’ and ‘monkeys’ and ‘real life’ finally just become too much?
After this dramatic turn of events, it was obvious that Lexi knew she was in the wrong but was too proud to admit it.
There was an attempt at an apology when she went upstairs to get him a Shap Shap but Mandla still seems very enthused at her constant aggression and juvenile antics. Could this really be the end?
Only time will tell, but we have a feeling some drama is going down at tonight’s Channel O party zone.
Iris, Lexi, Mandla and Poolie are up for possible Eviction this Sunday. Vote via USSD by dialing *120*33033# or Vote online to keep your favourite
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