Some people just don't give up. Actually they don't know when or where to draw the line.
Here we saw Sol and Kat rekindling their love, if we could call it that. While we thought it was the end of the road for the two after Sol revealed his Save and Replace, which didn't favour Kat at all, it seems the pair will be getting back to what used to be.
Truth must be told for we at times get confused unless if we are reading things in a totally different way. Note this, Kat in her Diary Session told Biggie that she misses Jase. Surprised? What can we say anyway? This chick has got game. Her strategy is in place and she is not backing down.
Last night Sol was playing closer to Kat by all means. He even dedicated a romantic song to her and he did that looking all genuine. Perhaps he acknowledges that he hurt Kat when he didn't Save her during his Save and Replace Session.
Just imagine, he couldn't even put her first at least just to compensate for not making her the number one in his life.
Hopefully, Kat saw Sol for who he is and she probably came to terms with the fact that his friend Mandla comes first.
Well, she learned the hard way but should she get back with Sol? We doubt that she will put her heart in it completely. She was probably just being polite to be honest and one must praise her for her forgiving heart. Otherwise things could have been worse for Sol. Without a doubt, he should make sure that his intentions are innocent this time.
When we focus on the beautiful Kat despite that she hurt pretty boy Jase too many times, she was completely into Sol. We saw things heating up between the two of them and if that was not love she was feeling, we don't know what it was.
No matter what the turn out will be from now on, let's hope it's all not to hurt someone because a broken heart really takes time to heal.
Jase, Lexi and Sol are up for possible Eviction this week. Vote via USSD by dialing *120*33033# or Vote online to keep your favourite Housemate in the game.
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