Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Task: Getting heady!

And so the first Task of the day for Chambermates begins and it seems Biggie is channeling his artistic streak as today's Task required the Housemates to construct a character from a bust of a head, clay, sculpting tools and materials for decoration. Paris read the Task details to the Chambermates and went on to explain that Biggie said there are no winners or losers in this Task, but he would like Chambermates to get creative.

The Chambermates were required to split into two equal groups of three on each team.

The two busts, one for each team that the Chambermates had to retrieve from the storeroom had to be modeled into a character. Later tonight, the Chambermates must explain to Biggie who they have based their character on and the story behind their character.

Katy Perry or Charlie Chaplin? Who will they choose?


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